White Paper – Integrating the BIM and Spec Design Process

Portland, Maine (February 15, 2022) – Chalkline has a new white paper outlining the benefits, challenges, levels of integration, and steps to successfully integrate the BIM model and Spec Design Process.

Architectural and engineering design deliverables include the BIM models and design specifications. The BIM modeling and spec writing processes have been performed by different users, on different timelines, and even different companies. The difficult manual process of coordinating the two design efforts results in RFIs and addendums due to errors and omissions which have not been identified by the tools used in practice. There is a huge opportunity to reduce time, save money, and deliver higher-quality products with integration and coordination between these separate processes and deliverables.

White Paper - BIM Integrated Specs Design Process

The paper’s goal is to address past issues and questions so firms can take steps to achieve the benefits of an integrated BIM and spec design process. The integration of these processes should flag inconsistencies in the models and specifications helping ensure all team members are aware of the selections and changes being made. Issues found earlier in the design process require less time and cost to fix enabling time to be spent in other areas.

Request the white paper, testimonials, case studies, and more by clicking here.

Visit www.chalklineinc.com or email info@chalklineinc.com to learn more about VisiSpecs and to request a free trial, register for live webinars, see customer testimonials, and download product information.

About Chalkline, Inc.

Chalkline is a developer of architectural and engineering specification software designed to visually document, coordinate, and verify BIM models and project specifications. VisiSpecs® is a suite of applications that includes VisiWord and VisiRevit. VisiSpecs is a software as a service (SaaS) cloud solution where its desktop and mobile applications store and access the model and specification data on the company’s cloud servers for easy access and collaboration among distributed team members. Built on familiar applications already in use by most in the market, VisiSpecs requires minimal training and setup time. Users can easily integrate their own masters and project documents with the project models to accomplish true BIM integration without learning to use complicated model applications and without a lengthy integration process. For those who do use model applications, VisiSpecs provides direct access to the project specifications and documentation. For more information, visit www.chalklineinc.com.

VisiSpecs v22.0 Released: BIM Integration, Keynoting & Reporting

Portland, Maine (February 1, 2022) – Chalkline has released the v22.0 major upgrade to VisiSpecs, The Visual Specification System. This major upgrade includes a new Keynote Panel, navigation tools for integrated spec and BIM data, a new Document Explorer, custom outline reporting templates, and more.

The VisiSpecs Keynote Panel in Autodesk® Revit® enables advanced keynote filtering, assignment, editing, placement, verification, and coordination features.  The keynoting solutions within VisiSpecs have been adopted more rapidly over the past two years due to the integration and automation with the specifications. The VisiSpecs Keynote Manager and Keynote Assigner now include easier and faster placement options and verification filters available directly in the model rounding out a full suite of integrated keynote, BIM model, and specification tools for designers and modelers. Additional keynote, spec, and model coordination filters and alerts have been added improving model design and drawing calloffs early in the design cycle as well as prior to submission for higher-quality product delivery.

The VisiSpecs Keynote Panel provides editing, assignment, placement, and verification filters saving time while improving design coordination and quality.

VisiSpecs v22.0 also includes customer-requested publishing features such as the Table of Content’s new automated table option for improved formatting, volume publishing by doc parameter selection, and improved addendum tracking with Accept All Track Changes batch updates. During document import into VisiSpecs, customers will now see the requested status flag assignment rather than having to wait until the docs are already in the project. Company templates have been included helping firms create standard queries and report formats improving product delivery.

Single install of VisiRevit for all versions of Revit used improves the ease and speed of installing and upgrading the VisiSpecs BIM application. Many additional improvements in messages, dialogs, processes, features and reported issues have been included as well.

All customers under subscription have been updated with VisiSpecs V22.0.  Visit www.chalklineinc.com or email info@chalklineinc.com to learn more about VisiSpecs, request a free trial, register for live webinars, read customer testimonials, and download product information.

About Chalkline, Inc.

Chalkline is a developer of architectural and engineering specification software designed to visually document, coordinate, and verify BIM models and project specifications. VisiSpecs® is a suite of applications that includes VisiWord and VisiRevit. VisiSpecs is a software as a service (SaaS) cloud solution where its desktop and mobile applications store and access the model and specification data on the company’s cloud servers for easy access and collaboration among distributed team members. Built on familiar applications already in use by most in the market, VisiSpecs requires minimal training and setup time. Users can easily integrate their own masters and project documents with the project models to accomplish true BIM integration without learning to use complicated model applications and without a lengthy integration process. For those who do use model applications, VisiSpecs provides direct access to the project specifications and documentation. For more information, visit www.chalklineinc.com.

VisiSpecs v21.0 Released with New Reporting, Collaboration, Keynoting, and BIM Integration Features

Portland, Maine (June 16, 2021) – Chalkline has released the v21.0 major upgrade to VisiSpecs, The Visual Specification System, providing customer-requested features such as flexible data reporting, collaboration markup tools, advanced BIM model integration and query tools, SpecsIntact UFGS integration, and more.

BIM integration and coordination help to find discrepancies between the specs and the model elements, which improves product quality and reduces errors and omissions. New VisiSpecs functionality in the coordination process helps users to filter and focus on the alerts they need to respond to. Specifiers not familiar with the modeling tools can now easily access the data and model views directly from the VisiSpecs tools they are familiar with.

Customers have also asked for access to any of the spec data for export to Excel Reports. Mockups, Pre-Installation Conferences, Submittals, Extra Materials, QA, Testing, and more are now easily exported to Excel with the ability to save and reuse the Template Reports across the company. Outline reporting helps teams focus on the areas of interest and the level of detail needed throughout the design stages.

Collaboration among the team members has been difficult using multiple tool sets, manually comparing the markups to the documents of record, and not being able to store the markups directly within the editing tools.  VisiSpecs now enabled specifiers to set the level of restriction desired for collaborators such as Read Only, Track Change, Comment Only, Comment Only, or Full Edit Rights. The document markup status is easily viewed in the Project Tree with the ability to archive markups as child documents for easy view/retrieval as needed. Project Team members can edit in the Word application they are already familiar with. Adding related documents such as cut-sheets, submittals, and links to other sites are all organized within the VisiSpecs project tree further saving time and improving collaboration.

The VisiSpecs Keynoting applications are integrated with the specs, helping firms automate the selection of the keynotes for detailers to use which reduces time and errors in drawings. The advanced keynote assignment through the Link Console listing all the Elements and Materials in the model further saves time.  VisiSpecs now includes the ability to Zoom to Keynote and Element which opens the views and sheets and automatically zooms so the user can quickly fix and verify the coordination. New keynote editing features also include the automatic reordering of keynotes as insertions are made and drag-and-drop keynote organization features.

VisiSpecs v21.0 also includes the Federal SpecsIntact UFGS integration.  Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS) are a joint effort of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), the Air Force Civil Engineer Center (HQ AFCEC), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).  The integration enables better design coordination with the model and the specs as well as delivery of the linked project to the client.

All customers under subscription have been updated with VisiSpecs V21.0. Visit www.chalklineinc.com or email info@chalklineinc.com to learn more about VisiSpecs and to request a free trial, register for live webinars, see customer testimonials, and download product information.

About Chalkline, Inc.

Chalkline is a developer of architectural and engineering specification software designed to visually document, coordinate, and verify BIM models and project specifications. VisiSpecs® is a suite of applications that includes VisiWord and VisiRevit. VisiSpecs is a software as a service (SaaS) cloud solution where its desktop and mobile applications store and access the model and specification data on the company’s cloud servers for easy access and collaboration among distributed team members. Built on familiar applications already in use by most in the market, VisiSpecs requires minimal training and setup time. Users can easily integrate their own masters and project documents with the project models to accomplish true BIM integration without learning to use complicated model applications and without a lengthy integration process. For those who do use model applications, VisiSpecs provides direct access to the project specifications and documentation. For more information, visit www.chalklineinc.com.

Chalkline Releases VisiSpecs Integration with Federal SpecsIntact UFGS Specs

Portland, Maine (June 8, 2021) – Chalkline, Inc. released the BIM integration and coordination tool set for Federal SpecsIntact projects utilizing the Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS).  New functionality developed in VisiSpecs include UFGS Master synchronization tools, SpecsIntact project management tools, and integration and access of the UFGS project specs directly in Autodesk Revit applications. The BIM integration will result in higher quality and coordinated design documents as well as an integrated project delivered to clients.

VisiSpecs with SpecsIntact UFGS Integration

Chalkline has released VisiSpecs Integration with the Federal SpecsIntact Unified Field Guide Specification (UFGS) Specs

Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS) are a joint effort of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), the Air Force Civil Engineer Center (HQ AFCEC), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). UFGS are for use in specifying construction for military services.

A BIM subject matter expert stated, “VisiSpecs usage within our organization has shown time/labor savings of 4 times over our previous MS Word editing process and supports the wide variety of projects and masters used here.” VisiSpecs integration with Microsoft Word enables easy access to specs and related files, a quick learning curve, support for the widest variety of specs, and the robust and familiar Microsoft Word feature set.

VisiSpecs enables the integration of documents with the BIM model without any model changes required facilitating design and construction coordination and ease of data access. The BIM SME added, “Where VisiSpecs really shines is the simple and intuitive linking between our Autodesk Revit content and the required spec sections enabling a more seamless design process. The integration of the model and specs can be shared with the Client for use in review, construction, commissioning, and other processes. Now the coordination between our designers and the spec writers is seamless, they all work out of a unique platform.” Additionally, VisiSpecs provides keynote management, keynote assignment to BIM elements, and verification tools to improve design quality while saving coordination time.

The new VisiSpecs SpecsIntact (UFGS) integration enables central storage of all project design specification data directly from Microsoft Word, yet the familiar editing with the SpecsIntact Editor. The automation and coordination of the required UFGS project specs based on the model key links saves time while decreasing errors and omissions. Ease of access to the linked UFGS specs based on the selection of a model element facilitates data access through the visual 3D model. Delivery of the integrated project model and specs enhances the client access, verification, and future build phases.

The VisiSpecs SpecsIntact integration is bundled with VisiSpecs subscriptions without any additional licensing fees. Visit www.chalklineinc.com or email info@chalklineinc.com to learn more about VisiSpecs and to request a free trial, register for live webinars, see customer testimonials, and download product information.

About Chalkline, Inc.

Chalkline is a developer of architectural and engineering specification software designed to visually document, coordinate, and verify BIM models and project specifications. VisiSpecs® is a suite of applications that includes VisiWord and VisiRevit. VisiSpecs is a software as a service (SaaS) cloud solution where its desktop and mobile applications store and access the model and specification data on the company’s cloud servers for easy access and collaboration among distributed team members. Built on familiar applications already in use by most in the market, VisiSpecs requires minimal training and setup time. Users can easily integrate their own masters and project documents with the project models to accomplish true BIM integration without learning to use complicated model applications and without a lengthy integration process. For those who do use model applications, VisiSpecs provides direct access to the project specifications and documentation. For more information, visit www.chalklineinc.com.

Case Study – TowerPinkster Upgrades Spec Solution

Portland, Maine (January 12, 2021) – Chalkline, Inc. has published a case study on TowerPinkster’s evaluation, selection, and success of deploying and using VisiSpecs.

TowerPinkster wanted to better utilize their BIM models to create and keep in sync with the design specifications.  After evaluating spec applications, the decision to select VisiSpecs was easy based on the ease of migrating their current specs, the short learning curve, and time-saving features over their old process.  Distributing the spec writing tasks across the firm to a diverse user base who might only use the tools a few times in a year required intuitive and easy-to-use tools.  “Our users who edit specifications have all given positive feedback reinforcing our decision to go with VisiSpecs,” stated Lyal Ward, Senior Mechanical Engineer at TowerPinkster.

Read the complete case study and other customer testimonials here.

Visit www.chalklineinc.com or email info@chalklineinc.com to learn more about the VisiSpecs applications, request a free trial, register for live webinars, see customer testimonials, and download product information.

About Chalkline, Inc.

Chalkline is a developer of architectural and engineering specification software designed to visually document, coordinate, and verify BIM models and project specifications. VisiSpecs® is a suite of applications that includes VisiWord and VisiRevit. VisiSpecs is a software as a service (SaaS) cloud solution where its desktop and mobile applications store and access the model and specification data on the company’s cloud servers for easy access and collaboration among distributed team members. Built on familiar applications already in use by most in the market, VisiSpecs requires minimal training and setup time. Users can easily integrate their own masters and project documents with the project models to accomplish true BIM integration without learning to use complicated model applications and without a lengthy integration process. For those who do use model applications, VisiSpecs provides direct access to the project specifications and documentation. For more information, visit www.chalklineinc.com.

Case Study – Black & Veatch Upgrade to VisiSpecs Exceeds Expectations

Portland, Maine (December 1, 2020) – Chalkline, Inc. has published a case study on the selection, implementation, and success of deploying and using VisiSpecs at Black & Veatch.

The Black & Veatch evaluation of available spec tools quickly showed VisiSpecs not only met the company’s needs, but provided additional submittal reporting, editing features, and publishing capabilities exceeding expectations. Specific features users liked were the automatic Doc Outliner spec editing tool, submittal reporting, automatic header/footer and table of contents creation, and Microsoft Word familiarity, all of which exceeded expectations. “The upgrade to VisiSpecs for our engineers has been a smooth process with high user adoption and low tech support.  I highly recommend VisiSpecs,” stated Michael Etheridge, Global Chief Engineer, Black & Veatch.

Read the complete case study and other customer testimonials here.

Visit www.chalklineinc.com or email info@chalklineinc.com to learn more about the VisiSpecs applications, request a free trial, register for live webinars, see customer testimonials, and download product information.

About Chalkline, Inc.

Chalkline is a developer of architectural and engineering specification software designed to visually document, coordinate, and verify BIM models and project specifications. VisiSpecs® is a suite of applications that includes VisiWord and VisiRevit. VisiSpecs is a software as a service (SaaS) cloud solution where its desktop and mobile applications store and access the model and specification data on the company’s cloud servers for easy access and collaboration among distributed team members. Built on familiar applications already in use by most in the market, VisiSpecs requires minimal training and setup time. Users can easily integrate their own masters and project documents with the project models to accomplish true BIM integration without learning to use complicated model applications and without a lengthy integration process. For those who do use model applications, VisiSpecs provides direct access to the project specifications and documentation. For more information, visit www.chalklineinc.com.

Case Study – HDR’s Implementation of VisiSpecs

Portland, Maine (September 22, 2020) – Chalkline, Inc. has published a case study on the selection, implementation, and success HDR has achieved using VisiSpecs, The Visual Specification System.

HDR has expertise spanning more than 10,000 employees in more than 200 locations around the world – and counting. The case study outlines the requirements including ease of deployment, migration, user acceptance, and the ability for vendor-supplied training, vendor support, and a feedback system that led to functionality updates.  “Using VisiSpecs has enabled HDR to easily roll out the software, with very high user acceptance, technical support is very low, and rapid response by Chalkline is helpful in deploying and supporting HDR’s VisiSpecs implementation,” stated Eric Michnovez, HDR.

VisiSpecs Case Study HDR

Read the complete case study and other customer testimonials here.

Visit www.chalklineinc.com or email info@chalklineinc.com to learn more about the VisiSpecs applications, request a free trial, register for live webinars, read customer testimonials, and download product information.

About Chalkline, Inc.

Chalkline is a developer of architectural and engineering specification software designed to visually document, coordinate, and verify BIM models and project specifications. VisiSpecs® is a suite of applications that includes VisiWord and VisiRevit. VisiSpecs is a software as a service (SaaS) cloud solution where its desktop and mobile applications store and access the model and specification data on the company’s cloud servers for easy access and collaboration among distributed team members. Built on familiar applications already in use by most in the market, VisiSpecs requires minimal training and setup time. Users can easily integrate their own masters and project documents with the project models to accomplish true BIM integration without learning to use complicated model applications and without a lengthy integration process. For those who do use model applications, VisiSpecs provides direct access to the project specifications and documentation. For more information, visit www.chalklineinc.com.

Chalkline Releases Major VisiSpecs v20.2 Update

Portland, Maine (September 16, 2020) – Chalkline has released a major upgrade to VisiSpecs, The Visual Specification System, in multiple areas of the products and user management.

Keynote Management and Assignment have been very popular with customers needing to improve efficiencies and identify coordination issues easier. VisiSpecs v20.2 updates the Keynote Management with a new Keynote File Manager giving customers the ability to track keynote files with user and version information, new user access restrictions, and streamlined new project setup.  The VisiSpecs Keynote Manager includes customer-requested features such as Approval status for management overseeing keynote selection and verbiage, easier new keynote creation, and multiple new user interface improvements.

VisiSpecs Keynote Manager simplifies management with powerful spec integration and drawing coordination tools.

In addition to the management of keynotes and keynote files, the VisiSpecs v20.2 applications include assignment and verification tools enabling customers to streamline their processes even further.   Selection of keynotes for assignment, approval of keynotes, and user roles for managing versus assigning keynotes facilitates improved product design and delivery. With keynote management in Autodesk Revit as well as Microsoft Word, managers can now review a selection of keynotes and their drawing assignment and placement improving design quality. VisiSpecs’ new Zoom to keynote feature makes it fast and easy to review and correct keynote assignment, placement, and missing keynotes enabling easier verification and access to data.

Document Parameters have been added which enable customers to better manage and report on criteria such as document volume, reviewer, issue dates, discipline, and user-defined parameters with easy assignment, viewing, selection, and reporting on parameters.  Additional user-requested features such as new user roles, user management, simplified project access, Split Face linking to specs for finishes, the ability to restore deleted projects, document filter automation improvements, BIM 360 doc management support, and improved Newforma Submittal integration.

All customers under subscription have been updated with v20.2 VisiSpecs. Visit www.chalklineinc.com or email info@chalklineinc.com to learn more about the VisiSpecs applications, request a free trial, register for live webinars, read customer testimonials, and download product information.

About Chalkline, Inc.

Chalkline is a developer of architectural and engineering specification software designed to visually document, coordinate, and verify BIM models and project specifications. VisiSpecs® is a suite of applications that includes VisiWord and VisiRevit. VisiSpecs is a software as a service (SaaS) cloud solution where its desktop and mobile applications store and access the model and specification data on the company’s cloud servers for easy access and collaboration among distributed team members. Built on familiar applications already in use by most in the market, VisiSpecs requires minimal training and setup time. Users can easily integrate their own masters and project documents with the project models to accomplish true BIM integration without learning to use complicated model applications and without a lengthy integration process. For those who do use model applications, VisiSpecs provides direct access to the project specifications and documentation. For more information, visit www.chalklineinc.com. Autodesk®, the Autodesk logo and Revit® are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. 

Case Study – BNIM Achieves Higher Level of Design Coordination

Portland, Maine (May 12, 2020) –  Chalkline, Inc. has published a case study on the evaluation, implementation, and success BNIM has achieved using VisiSpecs, The Visual Specification System.

BNIM is an architectural firm based in Kansas City, Missouri, that has built a national reputation for excellence in architecture, planning, interior design, and landscape architecture. The Case Study outlines the evaluation process and success achieved in implementing the VisiSpecs BIM Integrated Specification solutions.  “VisiSpecs was given an overwhelming thumbs up by our trial users. It has enabled us to allocate the time saved during writing and publishing to do more Specification Master updates and Quality Control,” stated Sarah Hirsch, Associate Principal at BNIM.

Read the complete case study and other customer testimonials here.

Visit www.chalklineinc.com or email info@chalklineinc.com to learn more about the VisiSpecs applications, request a free trial, register for live webinars, see customer testimonials, and download product information.

About Chalkline, Inc.

Chalkline is a developer of architectural and engineering specification software designed to visually document, coordinate, and verify BIM models and project specifications. VisiSpecs® is a suite of applications that includes VisiWord and VisiRevit. VisiSpecs is a software as a service (SaaS) cloud solution where its desktop and mobile applications store and access the model and specification data on the company’s cloud servers for easy access and collaboration among distributed team members. Built on familiar applications already in use by most in the market, VisiSpecs requires minimal training and setup time. Users can easily integrate their own masters and project documents with the project models to accomplish true BIM integration without learning to use complicated model applications and without a lengthy integration process. For those who do use model applications, VisiSpecs provides direct access to the project specifications and documentation. For more information, visit www.chalklineinc.com.

Chalkline Releases Major Updates to Keynote Management Application

Portland, Maine (February 26, 2020) – Chalkline, Inc. has released a major update to the VisiSpecs Keynote Manager responding to the demand for spec integration and coordination and keynotes. Working closely with users providing valuable input into the functionality, the update is available to all users in both VisiWord and VisiRevit applications.

Integrate and automate keynote selection with project specs with verification prior to submission of drawings.

Project Architects and Engineers have been manually typing text drawing notes which wasted a lot of time and did not provide any consistency in naming conventions. Further delays and issues were found in assigning keynotes to model elements and materials without basic features like search, comments, and the ability to edit keynotes on the fly.

Additionally, the lack of coordination with the design specifications required manual and error-prone coordination checking to determine which keynotes to provide the detailers. Otherwise, detailers were easily selecting the wrong keynotes from the master list resulting in further errors and omissions. Without automatic coordination with the project specifications, keynotes were a separate island of data to maintain with inevitable coordination errors introduced.

Designers wanted a consistent set of approved annotations integrated with the project specs ensuring repeatable high-quality product delivered to Owners. 

Chalkline released the first available keynoting solution providing integration with the specifications, easy assignment to model elements and materials, and verification of placed keynotes on the drawings. The VisiSpecs Keynote Manager is directly in Autodesk Revit or Microsoft Word which users already have installed and use rather than learning a new tool set. Automatic filtering of master keynote files based on the project specifications provides huge time savings over manual processes. Keynote comments assist management and detailers in tracking when and where certain keynotes should be used. As the project specs and modeling phases continue, the VisiSpecs Keynote Management provides fast and easy coordination checks tracking which keynotes have been assigned and which have been placed on the drawings.

VisiSpecs Keynote Assigner

VisiSpecs Keynote Assigner saves time with included search, comments, editing, and selection features.

All customers under subscription have access to the Keynote Management functionality which is integrated into all VisiSpecs licenses.

Those interested in learning more should visit www.chalklineinc.com or email info@chalklineinc.com to request the free trial, register for live webinars, read customer testimonials, and download product information.

About Chalkline, Inc.

Chalkline is a developer of architectural and engineering specification software designed to visually document, coordinate, and verify BIM models and project specifications. VisiSpecs® is a suite of applications that includes VisiWord and VisiRevit. VisiSpecs is a software as a service (SaaS) cloud solution where its desktop and mobile applications store and access the model and specification data on the company’s cloud servers for easy access and collaboration among distributed team members. Built on familiar applications already in use by most in the market, VisiSpecs requires minimal training and setup time. Users can easily integrate their own masters and project documents with the project models to accomplish true BIM integration without learning to use complicated model applications and without a lengthy integration process. For those who do use model applications, VisiSpecs provides direct access to the project specifications and documentation. For more information, visit www.chalklineinc.com.